Fall 2022 Newsletter

Friends of the Huachuca MountainsFall, 2022, Newsletter A Message from the President The summer of 2022 sure went by in a hurry.  Although our visitor numbers started out a little slow, they have greatly picked up.  Once the rains started and the Carr Canyon...

Summer 2022 Newsletter

A Message from the President THE CARR HOUSE IS UP AND RUNNING!!  We have been open every weekend since the second of April with good visitor participation.  Our Sunday afternoon programs have been well received.  Thanks to Dwight Hoxie for the Huachucas...

Spring 2022 Newsletter

A Message from the PresidentIt’s great to say we are within days of the Carr House opening for the season on April 2nd.  It’s been a challenging past two years, and as of this writing I think I can safely say we will be opening on time, and we will have a full...

Open starting April 3rd

The grounds around Carr House will be open to the public starting Saturday, April 3, and every Saturday and Sunday thereafter from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Carr House, including the restrooms, will remain closed. However, the Forest Service is providing a...

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends,  Last year was one for the record books, wasn’t it? We’re all keeping our fingers crossed that 2021 will be much better!  We hope to be able to reopen Carr House on Saturday, April 3, pending approval from the Forest Service. Since the house has...