Summer Newsletter 2012

Summer 2012   Dear Friends of the Huachuca Mountains Member, It’s time for an update on the activities at Carr House and the activities of Friends of the Huachuca Mountains (FOHM). We are now in the middle of a very eventful 2012 season and we hope that you will...

Carr House Program Change

Sunday Sept. 23rd: Firewise Communities:  Rebecca Hodgeson, Fire Prevention Specialist, Sierra Vista Ranger District. Firewise is a program designed to help individuals and communities prepare for a wildfire before it occurs and maintain a acceptable level of...

March 2012 Newsletter

March 28, 2012   Dear Friends Member, Things are moving along as we get ready to reopen Carr House for our 2012 season.  The Forest Service has done a great job in repairing the road and the trail to the meadow and ruins.  The parking area has been resurfaced and...

February 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends of the Huachuca Mountains, I know it’s early in the year, but we have quite a few things to share with you, and we want to give you some dates to put on your calendars. Just a little bit of news about our dear old Carr House… It looks a little different...

FOHM Annual Report 2010

Dear Friends, In my 52 years here, I don’t remember seeing so much green.  What a wonderful year for our mountains, snow AND rain!  Autumn should be spectacular! Carr House has shared in a bounty of good things, too.  It has all new electrical wiring, lights in...

July 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends of the Huachuca Mountains, We all know that summer in Arizona is mostly a survival course.  Unfortunately, so is the greeter program at Carr House.  Please sign up for a shift (3½ hrs); your participation is sorely needed.  It seems such a shame to be...