Special Easter Opening for Carr House

Carr House Visitor Information Center Open Easter Weekend, April 4 and 5   If your plans for Easter weekend include spending time in the great outdoors enjoying our beautiful spring weather, be sure to make time for a stop at Carr House. The Friends of the...

Fall Newsletter 2014

October 2014 Dear Friends – It seems hard to believe, but another season at Carr House is about to end. There are just two more Sunday afternoon programs before we button things up for the winter. This year’s programs have been very successful thanks to the efforts of...

July 2014

  Dear Friends – There’s been a lot going on at Carr House, and there’s a lot more to come! In addition to our regular Sunday afternoon programs, listed on the next page, Mike Foster, our Carr House host, will be leading two “Hikes with Mike,” focusing on the...

April 2014 Newsletter

April 2014   Dear Friends – Happy spring, everyone!  Here’s some brief information to catch you all up about what your board has been busy doing and to let you know about our upcoming events.  Please mark your calendars and come spend some time with us up at Carr...

Message to Members

Dear fellow members of Friends of the Huachuca Mountains (FOHM).: This is to bring you up to date on the past year, which closed September 30. The Forest Service has been and is  very supportive of the Friends, among other things taking over maintenance of Carr House....

Spring Newsletter 2013

Spring 2013 Dear Friends of the Huachuca Mountains Member,   Carr House is open for the season We have a new walkway and a set of stairs going into the house due to the efforts of John and Karen Poole, who served as site host in March.  It really dresses up the...