Dear Friends, 

Last year was one for the record books, wasn’t it? We’re all keeping our fingers crossed that 2021 will be much better! 

We hope to be able to reopen Carr House on Saturday, April 3, pending approval from the Forest Service. Since the house has been closed up for so long, we’re planning a workday on Thursday, March 25, to set up displays and do some spring cleaning. We’d love to have you join us at 9 a.m. if you can help out for a couple of hours. Bring your masks! They help protect you from COVID, and also from the dust we’ll be stirring up! 

Bequest from Dutch Nagle 

Dutch Nagle, a long-time resident of Sierra Vista as well as an avid birdwatcher and environmentalist, passed away last year. We are honored that Dutch remembered the Friends of the Huachuca Mountains with a generous bequest. Over the next several months the Board will be discussing ideas for putting Dutch’s legacy to the best use. Suggestions from members are welcome, too! 

Program Series 

At this time, we are not sure about when or if we’ll be able to start our in-person program events. We are considering several options and will let you know as soon as we have the programs ready to go, whether in-person or virtual. 

Where Do Your Membership Dues Go? 

Here’s a breakdown of how we use your membership dues: 

  • Pay site host salary and associated payroll taxes 
  • Upkeep and repair of Carr House – repairing plumbing and water harvesting system, fixing windows and mouse holes (up to 38 and counting!), other maintenance items necessary to keep the old house in good shape 
  • Publicity – Website costs, printing of program handouts that are distributed around the community, advertising programs in the newspaper 
  • Insurance 
  • Office and cleaning products 
  • Development and production of video programs related to FOHM and the Huachuca Mountains 

Help Us Increase Our Membership! New Volunteers Welcome Too! 

Non-profit organizations such as ours rely on support from the community they serve. In our case, our community is those who love the outdoors and hiking in the beautiful Huachuca Mountains, those who are interested in the amazing geology and mineral resources found in the area, and those who enjoy learning about the early pioneers who settled in and made lives for themselves in Carr Canyon and surrounding areas. Do your friends, relatives, and neighbors know about FOHM? If not, spread the word! New members can bring new ideas and fresh energy to our group. New volunteers can help with projects around the house, such as cleaning up inside the house as well as around the grounds. 

FOHM Board Meetings 

Remember, our Board meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend! Generally, we meet at Carr House or the Forest Service building, but the location is subject to change depending on COVID and the weather. We’ll be sending out email reminders to members one week prior to each meeting so you will know where we’re gathering if you’d like to attend. If you don’t use email, we’ll also post the notices on Facebook, one week prior to the meeting. 

Meet Our Board of Directors! 

Judy Phillips, President 

Eric Andersen, Vice President 

Pat Dillingham, Treasurer 

Linda Stitt, Secretary 

Jane Chambers, Director 

Carolyn Santucci, Director 

Dwight Hoxie, Director 

Rosemary Snapp, Honorary Member/Historian 

Remember to Check Us Out on the Web! 

Our website can be found at We’re also on Facebook, 

We hope to see you at Carr House soon!