October 2015
Dear Friends –
Fall is on its way, at least according to the calendar. These warm days seem more like summer! The leaves at the higher elevations are beginning to change, though, so it won’t be long before fall colors make their way down the mountains, and winter won’t be far behind.
Normally at this time of year we would be announcing the closure of Carr House for the season, but with our new heating and cooling system installed so our guests (and our Carr House host, Mike Foster!) can be comfortable, we’re going to keep the house open on weekends through the end of November. We hope many visitors will come to the canyons to enjoy hiking in the cooler temperatures and photographing the trees decked out in their autumn finery. And, of course, we hope many of them will stop by Carr House.
Over the three days of Labor Day weekend, we had close to 200 guests! Please encourage your friends, family, and co-workers to visit Carr House through the end of November. Leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner will taste extra special when enjoyed on the Carr House patio!
District Ranger Mark Ruggerio has been promoted to a position with the Department of the Interior and will be relocating to Washington, D.C. Mark has been an ardent supporter of our organization, and we will miss him. Best of luck, Mark! Mark’s temporary replacement is Ranger Daisy Kinsey, who has been with the Tonto National Forest outside Phoenix. We look forward to working with her!
Don’t Forget to Vote!
It’s time to elect Board members for 2016. If you received this newsletter via email, just click on the link in the email to be directed to the electronic ballot. If you received the newsletter in the mail, please use the enclosed ballot postcard to cast your votes. |
Save the Date — Annual Membership Meeting is October 27!
Please plan to attend the Annual Meeting on October 27 at 5:00 p.m. We’ll be meeting at Pat Dillingham’s home, 3817 Mohawk Drive, in Sierra Vista. Please join us!
Dia de los Muertos Celebration — October 18
The Mexican traditional holiday Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is celebrated each year in cemeteries along our international boundary and throughout Mexico. On October 18 Mike Foster, Carr House host, will present two new educational videos about this celebration. Mike composed his films with footage he collected in Mexico each year for the last 7 years. This year he will show videos that were filmed mostly in tropical deciduous forests of Alamos Sonora where the roots of this Aztec/Catholic holiday are still strong. Traditional Day of the Dead breads and beverages will be served and altars commemorating loved ones that have passed away will be constructed. Join us at 1:30 p.m. in the Carr House where you are welcome to contribute to the altars and wear a festive costume in the beautiful fall environs of our great Huachuca Mountains sky island.
FOHM Board Meetings
The FOHM Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the U.S. Forest Service Sierra Vista Ranger Station, 4070 South Avenida Saracino in Hereford. All members are invited to attend. The next meeting will be November 10, and we hope to see you there. Your input is important. |
Remember to visit the FOHM website,
www.huachucamountains.org, and check out all the information on programs, special events, and the great videos by Mike Foster and other talented contributors. |
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